Conserving Lancaster's streams since 1950
Cocalico Creek Watershed Association
The Cocalico Creek Watershed Association Meetings
Held the 2nd Monday of each month at the Cocalico Sportsmen’s Association Club.
Contact Information
P.O. Box 121, Reinholds,
PA 17569-0121
Downstream Flow: VIEW GOOGLE MAP
Cocalico Creek » Conestoga River » Susquehanna River
Contributing Municipalities
Akron Borough, Clay Township, Denver Borough, Adamstown Borough, East Cocalico Township, Elizabeth Township, Ephrata Borough, Ephrata Township, Warwick Township, West Cocalico Township, and West Earl Township
Monitoring Data
Volunteer Monitoring Data Microsoft Excel Online
Sampling Sites: 25-27, 114, & 116
Lancaster County Conservation District Monitoring Data
Agency monitoring equipment can measure conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and water temperature.
Upper Cocalico
Upper Cocalico Creek 2023-2024 Monitoring Data PDF
Lower Cocalico
Lower Cocalico Creek 2023-2024 Monitoring Data PDF
Watershed Restoration Plan PDF
Groundwater Study PDF
Cocalico Creek Chesapeake Bay Pollution Reduction Plan PDF
Watershed Excellence Award Presentation PDF
Social Media
The Cocalico Creek Watershed is located in the Northcentral section of the county. This 140 square mile watershed was originally named by the Delaware Native American tribe with Cocalico meaning “Snake Dens”. Today there are about 197 miles of streams within the Cocalico Creek Watershed. The mainstem and the parts of the Little Cocalico Creek originate in Lebanon and Berks Counties and flow mostly south to the stream’s confluence with the Conestoga River around Brownstown. According to the USGS Stream Stats website nearly 37% of the watershed is forested and only 7% of the watershed has urban development on it. The watershed encompasses towns like Denver, Ephrata and Akron. There is an active watershed association doing work within the watershed, the Cocalico Creek Watershed Association. The Association does mostly outreach and educational work within the mainstem upper reaches of Cocalico Creek but also works with landowners and others on potential stream and streamside projects in the watershed. There have been several studies completed by various groups within the watershed and outside the watershed as well. From watershed wide assessments to groundwater studies.
Business Hours