WQVC Bimonthly Meeting – November

Farm & Home Center 1383 ARCADIA RD, LANCASTER, PA, United States

Join volunteers of the Water Quality Volunteer Coalition as they discuss local water monitoring efforts and ways to improve water quality data county-wide. Interested/new and existing members are encouraged to attend! Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every other month. They are located at the Farm and Home Center on Arcadia Road in […]

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay – Culliton Park

Culliton Park 238 S Water Street, Lancaster, PA, United States

Come help us plant 14 trees and teach our neighbors more about the trees in one of SoWe's beautiful parks! We are so excited for these trees to provide much-needed shade for neighbors and the impact these experiences will have on the community and watershed. What to wear & bring Please dress for the weather, we are […]

Lancaster-Lebanon Watershed Forum

Middle Creek Visitors Center 100 Museum Road, Stevens, PA, United States

Focusing on local watershed restoration efforts, network, learn, and enjoy breakfast at this free collaboration event! Presentation topics include coastal wetland ecology and creating fish habitat. Please register by November 8th and we look forward to seeing you there. Registration link - click here.

WQVC January 2025 Meeting

Farm & Home Center 1383 ARCADIA RD, LANCASTER, PA, United States

Join volunteers of the Water Quality Volunteer Coalition as they discuss local water monitoring efforts and ways to improve water quality data county-wide. Interested/new and existing members are encouraged to attend! Meetings are held quarterly on the second Wednesday. They are located at the Farm and Home Center on Arcadia Road in Lancaster, PA at […]

Tri-County Conewago Creek Association – January Meeting

Moo Duck Brewery 79 S Wilson Ave, Elizabethtown, PA

Join the Tri County Conewago Creek Association (TCCCA) for their first meeting of the new year! The meeting will be held on January 15th at 7pm at the Moo-Duck Brewery in Elizabethtown. Details can be found on the Tri-County Conewago Creek Association’s webpage. Contact conewagocreek@yahoo.com if you have additional questions.

Little Conestoga Watershed Alliance – Meeting

Farm & Home Center 1383 ARCADIA RD, LANCASTER, PA, United States

The Little Conestoga Watershed Alliance (LCWA) will be hosting its first meeting of the new year on January 22nd at 5:30pm at the Farm & Home Center. To stay updated on LCWA general meeting information, visit the LCWA website. Contact mhuberlarch@live.com for meeting questions.

Donegal Trout Unlimited – Meeting

Warwick Township 315 Clay Road, Lititz, PA, United States

Join Donegal Trout Unlimited for their bimonthly meeting! The first meeting of the year will take place on February 6th at 3:45pm at the Warwick Township Municipal Building. Contact Chris Fitterling (chrisfitterling1@gmail.com) with any meeting questions.

Cocalico Creek Watershed Association – February Meeting

Cocalico Sportsmen's Association Clubhouse 585 Sportsman Road, Denver, PA

The Cocalico Creek Watershed Association will be hosting their February meeting on Monday, February 10th at 7:00pm. For more details about the event, refer to CCWA’s Facebook page. You can also contact Dave Weidman (super45mom@yahoo.com) with questions about the meeting.

Lititz Run Watershed Alliance – Meeting

Warwick Township 315 Clay Road, Lititz, PA, United States

Join the Lititz Run Watershed Alliance (LRWA) for their first meeting of the new year on February 25th at 4:00pm. The meeting will be hosted at the Warwick Township Municipal Building. Contact  HBushong@warwicktownship.org for meeting questions.  

Octoraro Watershed Association Meeting

3095 Limestone Rd, Cochranville, PA 3095 Limestone Road, Cochranville, PA

The Octoraro Watershed Association welcomes guests to attend their next board meeting on March 4th at 7:00pm. The OWA’s board meets quarterly, so come check out what is happening in the watershed!

Cocalico Creek Watershed Association – March Meeting

Cocalico Sportsmen's Association Clubhouse 585 Sportsman Road, Denver, PA

The Cocalico Creek Watershed Association will be hosting their March meeting on Monday, March 10th at 7:00pm. For more details about the event, refer to CCWA’s Facebook page. You can also contact Dave Weidman (super45mom@yahoo.com) with questions about the meeting.

DFCA 60th Annual Spring Outdoor Show

Maytown Fire Company 160 East High Street, Maytown, PA, United States

Join the Donegal Fish & Conservation Association (DFCA) for their 60th annual Spring Outdoor Show! Proceeds from the event help support the Kids Derby and Nursery Program. Doors open at 9am and the event ends at 3pm.