Tree Planting (Alliance for Chesapeake Bay) – Oct 13th

Manheim, PA

We will be planting around 18 acres this fall with volunteers and we need your help to get these trees in the ground! The tree plantings will be located across Schuylkill, Lancaster, York, Berks, Franklin, and Adams counties. Please note the differing start times for each tree planting. To ensure the privacy of the landowners […]

Clean Water Starts Here

Sixth Ward Park 680 E Ross St, Lancaster, PA, United States

Join us at Sixth Ward Park to learn more about what you, as a Lancaster City resident, can do to help make our streams cleaner. We will have activities for kids, music, and light refreshments. Artists Shauna Yorty and Keisha Finnie will be painting a storm drain mural and there will be a pick-up basketball […]


Tree Planting (Alliance for Chesapeake Bay) – Oct 14th

Manheim, PA

We will be planting around 18 acres this fall with volunteers and we need your help to get these trees in the ground! The tree plantings will be located across Schuylkill, Lancaster, York, Berks, Franklin, and Adams counties. Please note the differing start times for each tree planting. To ensure the privacy of the landowners […]

Nursery Grand Opening (PSU & TU)

Penn State Southeast Agricultural Research and Extension Center 1446 Auction Rd, Manheim, PA, United States

The Penn State/Trout Unlimited Native Tree Nursery has officially moved to the Southeast Agriculture Research and Extension Center in Manheim! Weather permitting, we will hold the event outside within the footprint of the nursery and will set aside time to explain the history, collaborative projects both past and present, as well as express our thank […]

Tree Planting (Alliance for Chesapeake Bay) – Oct 20th

Quarryville, PA

We will be planting around 18 acres this fall with volunteers and we need your help to get these trees in the ground! The tree plantings will be located across Schuylkill, Lancaster, York, Berks, Franklin, and Adams counties. Please note the differing start times for each tree planting. To ensure the privacy of the landowners […]

Buffer Planting in Columbia (PSU) – Oct 21

We are partnering with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to plant a riparian buffer along a tributary to Chiques Creek on private property. We will be planting about 200 trees under the shadow of an Oak Tree that was alive during the American Revolution! Register here.


Tree Planting (Alliance for Chesapeake Bay) – Oct 21st

Denver, PA

We will be planting around 18 acres this fall with volunteers and we need your help to get these trees in the ground! The tree plantings will be located across Schuylkill, Lancaster, York, Berks, Franklin, and Adams counties. Please note the differing start times for each tree planting. To ensure the privacy of the landowners […]

Tree Planting (Alliance for Chesapeake Bay) – Oct 28th

Leola, PA

We will be planting around 18 acres this fall with volunteers and we need your help to get these trees in the ground! The tree plantings will be located across Schuylkill, Lancaster, York, Berks, Franklin, and Adams counties. Please note the differing start times for each tree planting. To ensure the privacy of the landowners […]

Water Ways on Wheels – A Bike Tour

Northwest Lancaster County River Trail 551 Vinegar Ferry Road, Marietta, PA, United States

Join the Master Watershed Stewards for an exciting and informative bike tour of the breathtaking watersheds of the Northwest Lancaster County River Trail. This exclusive tour will provide a unique opportunity to explore and learn about the various watershed features, trail history, and geologic history that make this area so special. Additional details about the […]

Lancaster/Lebanon Watershed Forum

Farm & Home Center 1383 ARCADIA RD, LANCASTER, PA, United States

Collaborate, learn, and network with fellow watershed associations! This forum is intended to support new and existing members and anyone interested in grassroots watershed protection! Presentation tops include dam removal projects, water quality monitoring, and a stream restoration case study. Please register by October 29th, 2023 - click here to register.


Buffer Planting in Marietta (PSU) – Nov 4

Save the Date! This farm property planted about 10 acres along a tributary to Chiques Creek in riparian buffer several years ago and while most of the trees are doing great. A few hundred didn’t survive the drought conditions that existed shortly after planting and need replaced. Registration coming soon.
