Conserving Lancaster's streams since 1950
Lancaster County Conservation District Storymaps
Fish Species and Stream Restoration in Lancaster County
Click on the image to the left or this link to view the storymap »
It is best viewed on a computer due to the nature of the scrolling features of the various maps embedded.
What fish are in Lancaster County’s streams and what can they mean for water quality? This storymap travels through the watersheds of Lancaster County and highlights the fish species found in the District’s annual fish surveys. This storymap also includes all of the data from the District’s fish surveys that users can view.
Use this link to look at all of the Fish Data the Lancaster County Conservation District has collected.
Monitoring Efforts in Lancaster County Watersheds
Click on the image to the right or this link to view the storymap »
It is best viewed on a computer due to the nature of the scrolling features of the various maps embedded.
Take a look at the water quality in each of Lancaster County’s watersheds. The storymap dives into the different chemical parameters of water quality and color codes the watersheds depending on parameter concentration, while also educating the viewer of what those levels can indicate. Then, the storymap showcases before/after images of stream restoration and the Lancaster County Conservation District’s water quality data from different monitoring units that are deployed and continuously collect data.
In addition, this link will direct you to all of the sampling data from Lancaster County’s Water Quality Volunteer Coalition has collected.
Lancaster County Watershed Quick Links
Use these watershed links to find information that’s available for each of these locations.
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