Conserving Lancaster's streams since 1950
The Water Quality Volunteer Coalition

Volunteers conduct chemical sampling at Historic Poole Forge with the Source Water Collaborative and WQVC (summer 2024).
WQVC Meeting Dates for 2025 (Wednesdays):
January 8th, April 9th, July 9th, October 8th
Farm & Home Center, first floor conference room – 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster PA
2:30 – 4:00 pm
Citizen Scientists
A Citizen Scientist is a member of the general public who collects and analyzes data relating to the natural world, typically as part of a collaborative project with professional scientists.
This dedicated group of community members volunteers their time to sample local streams and creeks in Lancaster County. The data these volunteers gather are vital to determining overall water quality of the county. Volunteers in the program are trained in chemical, physical, and biological sampling and go out on a monthly basis to conduct their tests. Their data are entered into a statewide database and our county-wide database for anyone to access through the internet. The WQVC has meetings on a quarterly basis beginning in January as well to discuss issues they may be having at their sites or to learn about watershed stewardship.
If interested in joining, please complete the interest form at the bottom of this webpage. You can also email noellelafaver@lancasterconservation.org or call 717-874-2557. Join us at our quarterly meetings to collaborate on water quality monitoring efforts!
Volunteer Sampling Forms
PA DEP Habitat Assessment Form PDF
Stream Flow Calculation Form PDF
All Sampling Forms Combined PDF
Fillable Water Chemistry Form Fillable PDF
Testing Equipment Instructions
FloWatch Flow Meter Operating Instructions PDF
Water Quality Volunteer Coalition Data Center
To the left is a map displaying all of the sampling sites where Water Quality Volunteer Coalition volunteers have collected data. Green stars indicate active sampling sites and red diamonds indicate inactive sampling sites with historical data.
Please use this link to be taken to the Microsoft Excel workbook that contains all of the Water Quality Volunteer Coalition data that has been collected over the years (earliest in 2001) by volunteers from Lancaster County. There are three types of data collected: Chemical, Biological, and Physical. All of this data helps determine the quality of water, and ultimately the health of the stream. Users are able to download, sort, and filter data.
Please review the Terms of Use in the workbook concerning the use of data and if there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Noelle Cudney at NoelleLaFaver@lancasterconservation.org.
For Pennsylvania’s Code 25, Chapter 93 water quality standards, please click this link.

Volunteers are Essential
The group is always looking for new members to join in on the fun. Contact the Lancaster County Conservation District for more information. We need your help by joining this important and crucial program. Send a message and we’ll be in touch!
Areas in Need of Volunteers:
1. Granite Run Area – Water Quality Monitoring Volunteers (training provided)
2. Lancaster Area – Tree Planting Volunteers
Lancaster County Watershed Quick Links
Use these watershed links to find information that’s available for each of these locations.
Business Hours