Conowingo Creek

Donegal Trout Unlimited Meetings

Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7 pm

Contact Information

PO Box 8001
Lancaster, PA 17604


(717) 475-3964

Downstream Flow: VIEW GOOGLE MAP

Conowingo Creek  »  Susquehanna River »  Chesapeake Bay

Contributing Municipalities

East Drumore Township, Fulton Township, Little Britain Township and Providence Township

Monitoring Data

Volunteer Monitoring Data Microsoft Excel Online

Sampling Sites: 47-50, 91-92, & 113

Lancaster County Conservation District Monitoring Data

Agency monitoring equipment can measure conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and water temperature. 

Northern Conowingo

Northern Conowingo 2022-2024 Monitoring Data  PDF

Southern Conowingo

Southern Conowingo 2022 Monitoring Data  PDF


Watershed Implementation Plan  PDF


Donegal Trout Unlimited 

Social Media


Conowingo Creek Watershed Map

The Conowingo Creek Watershed is located in the most Southeast corner of the county and actually flows into Maryland.   This is a 39 square mile watershed.  Today there are about 63 miles of streams in the Conowingo Creek Watershed.  The mainstem starts around the village of Buck.  The stream then flows south to Maryland before its confluences with the Susquehanna River around the Conowingo Dam.  According to the USGS Stream Stats website about 21% of the watershed is forested and less than 1% of the watershed has urban development on it.  The watershed starts around the village of Buck but does not really go through any other larger towns or cities.  There is not an active watershed association doing work within the watershed, but the Donegal Chapter of Trout Unlimited (DTU) has been doing some work in the watershed over the last 15 years.  DTU does mostly outreach and educational work within the watershed but also works with landowners and others on stream improvement projects.  There have been several studies completed by various groups within the watershed and outside the watershed as well.  The watershed also has a Watershed Implementation Plan for it which provides guidance to stakeholders on ways to improve the watershed as a whole.

Conowingo Creek
Conowingo Creek Map

To enlarge, click on the map above.

Donegal Trout Unlimited

Contact Us

Your questions about Lancaster Watersheds are welcome.